A space you’re allowed to be scared and brave, strong and hurt, wounded and healed, wild and rooted. 

Hey, I Am So Glad You’re Here.

Individual Therapy

Nurturing Your Inner Landscape

I understand that every part of our story shapes the journey of our lives and the way we feel about ourselves. Here, you’re invited to embrace the wild within you, to tap into your roots, and find the courage to explore your inner world.

Trauma Intensives

Unveiling Resilience, Reclaiming Life

Healing from trauma demands courage and compassion. Trauma intensives provide a dedicated space for profound transformation. Guided by evidence-based techniques, we’ll work together to address the wounds of the past, unlocking the door to resilience, growth, and a renewed sense of who you are.

Couples Therapy

Nurturing Connection and Understanding

We will work collaboratively towards strengthening the roots of connection and unearthing the bonds that keep you feeling close, held, and seen. Together, we’ll navigate the journey to a more connected and fulfilling partnership.

I’m Sophia.

A Dedicated Guide on Your Path to Healing

I’m a licensed therapist with a passion for supporting individuals and couples in their hurt and challenges. I’m committed to creating a safe and non-judgmental space for your journey towards healing and self-discovery. Together, we’ll explore the depths of your emotions, celebrate your strengths, and embrace the wild roots that make you unique.

309 W 4th St, Washington, MO 63090

Finding a Therapist is Hard. Let’s Chat.

Book at 15 minute free consultation today to ask me any questions you might have and just get to know me and my style of therapeutic work. If I am not the therapist for you, that is okay! I want to help you find the person that feels right for you.